Н.Одонцэцэгийн блог

Н.Одонцэцэгийн блог
Н.Одонцэцэгийн блог


Амьтны нэршил англиар (нас, хүйсээр)

Эх сурвалж: Facebook - Veterinary Information



Wether - castrated male goat

Doeling kid - young female goat

Buckling kid - young male goat

Doe - mature female goat

Billy - mature male goat

Kid - newborn goat

Kidding - act of birth


Calving - act of parturition

Calf - young cattle

Bullocks - young male cattle

Heifer - young female cattle; has not had a calf

Bull - mature male cattle

Cow - mature female that has had a calve 

Steer - castrated male (typically used for meat)

Beef - meat from cattle


Furrowing - act of parturition

Piglet/Pig - newborn or young pig

Shoat - young male pig

Gilt - young female pig

Boar - mature male hog

Sow - mature female

Barrow - castrated male pig or hog

Drove - group of pigs/hogs

Pork - meat from swine


Foaling - act of parturition

Foal - newborn horse

Colt - young male horse

Filly - young female horse

Stallion - mature male horse

Mare - mature female horse

Gelding - castrated male horse


Chick - newborn chicken

Cockerel - young male chicken

Pullet - young female chicken

Cock (Rooster) - mature male chicken

Hen - mature female chicken

Capon - castrated male chicken

Poultry - meat from chickens


Kindling - act of parturition

Kit - newborn rabbit

Virgin - young female rabbit

Buck - mature male rabbit

Doe - mature female rabbit

Litter - group of rabbits

Rabbit - meat from rabbit

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